maanantai 13. elokuuta 2012

First updates

Both Call AI and Start AI have been available in Google Play a couple of days now. We have not yet started any marketing campaigns, but its nice to see that users from all over the world have already found them. To be honest, we were a little bit afraid if anyone could pop into them without ads, since there are more than 500.000 other apps available - quite a small needle in a big haystack...

From Google Checkout we can view how the apps are doing in Google Play. It is easy to make one remark from this data: quite many users who install the application cancel the order within a few minutes, i.e. utilize Google's 15 minute return policy. We have been trying to guess what's going on, and hope that some of our users who have decided not to keep the app would explain their decision. Maybe we can improve our communication about what these apps are and how to use them.

As a preliminary act, we have already prepared our first updates which include instructions about placing the widget on the homescreen, and also otherwise improved the look'n feel of the welcome screen. These will become available shortly.

Start AI user Steve reported that in his case the issue was text "No license" in the widget. We are using Google's online license check system, which is recommended for paid apps. However, we have noticed that sometimes it can take a while for the phone to finish checking license status from Google's servers. Unfortunately this makes an impression that there's something wrong with the installation package, i.e. seems like it doesn't contain a proper license. It is likely that license check would be soon completed, but we will make changes to our applications to prevent this from happening again. Preventing software piracy should never deteriorate user experience of paying customers!

Versions 1.0.2 with improved welcome screen, removed unnecessary permissions, and improved usage of Google licensing system are available.

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